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Someone suggested that I should start a personal style blog. And I thought to myself, "Why not?" It could be really fun. Or not. Anyhoo, this is my little hole-in-the-wall of vintage finds, style obsessions and the sort. Let's not take things too seriously around here, shall we?

Follow my instagram @ mattehatter


Morning Wood - Aztec Prints
POSTED ON : Sunday 27 January 2013

Yea I'm just taking a stroll in the woods. Call me pretentious, but isn't that what photo shoots are all about? Get a picturesque backdrop, pose nonchalantly and be cool (all right, there's definitely more to that but you get the gist). Me in the second picture can't help but smile at how ludicrous this feels. But hey, everyone has that side of him every now and then yes? Let me savor mine for now.

Sometimes when I feel that layering is too much for the weather, I would opt for stand out pieces like this shirt. They bring out your entire outfit in such an inexplicable manner. And did I mention that I'm infatuated with Aztec prints? Yes they are getting mainstream - but trying not to be mainstream is becoming mainstream too. I'm great at contradicting myself at times. Forget about my trend report welcoming the new year and instead take cue from your own sense of style. After all personal style, is well, personal.

Oh and what better way to flaunt these rad looking Timberland's than strolling through an actual timberland? I know, the answer is none. Judging is uncalled for :)

On Me: Aztec Shirt from HARE, Chukkas from Timberland

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